Last night our town held their annual Christmas tree lighting, so we all bundled up and went down town to take part in the festivities. Their was cake, punch, cookies and performances by a local church. Very festive! I love our little town, especially around Christmas. They hold activities like this one and a Christmas On The Coosa event and a live nativity later on in the month. Everyone comes out and joins in the fun and walks around town to enjoy. It's great. Kind of has that Steel Magnolias feel to it.
The picture above is the town's tree that is in Gold Star Park that was lit last night.
We stood in line to let Ivy set in Santa's lap. She was so excited when she was in line. I don't think she was too sure about it when she actually got in his lap. Her face says it all. She didn't cry, but she wouldn't look at him at all. Trent being 10 was just not interested in Santa, or maybe he was just more interested in his little friend that was there. Laci made it very clear that she was NOT sitting in Santa's lap even though I tried to convince her.
I took a picture of this because I thought it was neat to see in our little town of Wetumpka. If you look close you can see a blimp in the middle of the picture. Yeah, a blimp-- here. What?!! It was pretty neat to see. It was fast too. One minute it would be in one place and when you looked back up it was completely somewhere else. It was a fun night for our family!
Looks like a nice night, you're town does go all out. Ours is also a little town and they're trying to beef up the holiday activities. But our Santa display is not nearly so cute.
What a fun family night enjoying the Christmas festivities. I love small towns. Santa is coming in on helicopter this Saturday for our tree lighting downtown.
P.S. Thanks for all of the yummy cookie suggestions!
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