Our little Laci has gotten a bit busier these past two weeks. She has been a piano playin,' ball kickin' girl! Last Tuesday, she had her first piano lesson with a local teacher here. She's doing good with her practices and reminds me that she needs to practice. Her teacher says she has very good timing already. We both attribute that to her Orff music classes that she took for three years. Keep up the good work!
Her school offers an Arts in the Afternoon program where different teachers do a clinic or class after school on certain days. They had art, spanish, drama, kick- ball etc. Out of everything she chose kick-ball. Go figure! She is having so much fun with it! Their p.e. coach makes it really fun and she gets to learn about rules of the game that can carry over into softball , too. Softball was always my fave.Maybe she will be interested in that too.
1 comment:
Having kids is so much fun, isn't it? You are doing an outstanding job making sure she is well rounded...way to go! :) I had piano lessons growing up too...I hope she gets much enjoyment out of it.
Also, I'm doing my first giveaway on my blog right now if you're interested:
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